Policy Issue: Parental Rights

The natural bonds which lead parents to act in the best interests of their children.


Commonly established, a child's well-being is strongly influenced by stable adults and a strong family structure. Many of us have seen unstable home environments adversely affect a child's health and well being. Even with the stress of financial hardship, parents will do what it takes to ensure their child(ren) receive the best care they can afford. Children need to have the ability to experience family and parental cognitive, emotional, and physical development. Without interference fear of reprisal from the government or any of its agencies.

Family settings are not meant to be perfect or absolute. And what can be considered perfect is subjective to everyone's interpretation. Speak to enough people and you will learn what many call objective parenting is just glazed over subjective reasoning. All a parent can do is their best with what they know and learned along the way. I have heard stories of abuse and neglect and this is one reason why the State believes it needs to inject themselves into the parental role in a permanent capacity.

I do acknowledge abuse and neglect happen. We all have to recognize these actions are not commonplace. These abuses are not the norm, nor have they ever been the norm in our society. Because of this, the majority of the population of parents should not be punished because a comparably small number of degenerates refuse to treat other humans with dignity or respect. When discovered and found, they should be punished accordingly to our laws. And when possible, allow the remaining families to continue the lineage of care.

A Home should be considered a sacred place and given the proper respect and support from our Government. Parents are more than just a birth mother and father. Parents are an economic unit for their children. They are an emotional unit for their children. They are a moral compass for their children. The family, in part and as a whole, is where a child's heart and soul are born and matured.

Sacramento must do everything it can to ensure the family unit maintains its status as a foundation of our society.

Let's move District 28 and California forward together. A better tomorrow begins with Carlos as your representative in Sacramento. Carlos is with you, and he will FIGHT for you, and he will WIN for YOU.

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