Policy Issue: Property Rights

Well-protected property rights create competition by peaceful means.


One of the most fundamental requirements to maintain a healthy Republic is to have and maintain a strong system of property rights. For a society to fulfill its commitment to maintaining human rights, there has to be a direct connection to well-defined property rights. I cannot stress enough how important it is for everyone to have the right to own property with minimal interference and restrictions. This includes properties used for either personal or profit-making use.

I will be the first to admit, property rights is a highly complex and difficult set of issues. It takes time to properly set fair laws for the definition, allocation, and protection of property. With this stated, the protection of the property is paramount to protect against both theft and transference from private ownership to government ownership. We seem to have a government that strongly believes it has both the right and responsibility to redistribute the outcome of one's labor. If Sacramento ever succeeded in this, the people would see how much inequality would still exist.

Laws are created which limit how one's property is to be used. This has to be done in a way where one's property is not limited or restricted to the point of not being able to either use, enjoy or profit from the targeted property.

The route we are currently on promotes a destructive competition for the control of economic resources. This includes high housing prices, unaffordable apartments, expensive basic food items, and excessively-taxed gasoline for daily use.

Let's move District 28 and California forward together. A better tomorrow begins with Carlos as your representative in Sacramento. Carlos is with you, and he will FIGHT for you, and he will WIN for YOU.

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